Discussion sur salles potentielles

Démarré par Laetitia Urbanczyk dans Venue de Rob Hopkins en avril en Belgique pour son livre "Et si..." : on s'organise! 28 février 2020 10:49

Je propose de rassembler ici les infos que l'on obtient sur les salles, afin de voir toutes les options possibles, prix etc...

28 février 2020 10:50

Ici les infos, déjà envoyées à Rob précédemment :


- Capacity: 800 seats available (or possibly another room of 400 seats) 

- Availability: 29th or 30th of April

- Price: unknown, we are checking

- Link: http://www.ccu.be/index.php


Lovely Flemish library in the center of Brussels

- Capacity: biggest room (100 seats) or more cosy room (50 seats)

- Availability: both rooms the 27th or 29th

- Price: rooms for FREE because of a partnership we have. However, they want the event to be free for participants (they are OK with "participation consciente" concept, with people giving what they want in a hat for example) 

- Link: https://www.muntpunt.be/over-muntpunt/zalen-huren-en-reserveren 

In Wavre, one option so far:


You already know this lovely place (I have seen a few pictures of you at the bar ;)  )

- Capacity: 50 seats

- Availability: 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of April

- Price: 15 euros / half-day (or free?)

- Linf: https://www.facebook.com/pg/GermoirdesFontaines/photos/?ref=page_internal

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